
Frame type UPS and Home inverter ups using method

Frame type UPS and domestic inverter using UPS method is this: the domesticinverter UPS and frame type UPS computer system and the external deviceconnected to the UPS, then UPS is connected with the urban power, when the power is interrupted, the domestic inverter UPS and frame type UPS sends outalarm sound, the user should quickly save. high frequency online ups classification and working principle of UPS, according to the working mode is divided into off-line.Here we were to talk about the working principle of three kinds of frame typeUPS: off-line UPS is usually battery state of charge, UPS rack mounted in power inverter emergency switching to working condition, the domestic inverterUPS DC battery provides the transformation of AC output stable, because thismachine type UPS is also known as the backup UPS. However, the UPS has aswitching time,Uninterrupted power supply therefore not suitable for use in power supply can not interrupt the crucial place. But in fact the switching time is very short, the frame typeUPS are typically between 2 and 10 ms, and the switching power supply of computer itself in power should be maintained around 10 milliseconds, so thepersonal computer system is generally not because the switching time andproblems.

